Monday, January 15, 2018

Missing Writing

It's been awhile since I put my thoughts in organised writing. Sometimes there are just so much stuff in my mind and so much things happening all at once that I fail to note things down. Reading my old blog about being a new mom with lots of time, in a new place, enjoying my new bub, I suddenly missed the feeling of craving to get my thoughts out.

It's 2018. I have TWO little ladies. Our mommy group, South PiNanays in the South is thriving. I am STILL breastfeeding and have been for the past (almost) 5 years. I have embraced all the hard parts of motherhood but celebrate everyday the happy and joyous moments as well.

So, HELLO everyone!!! I'm back!!!

Back to sharing motherhood best practices and beauty secrets too!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is it Christmas already?

It's been awhile since I blogged. We have had so much things happening all together I don't know where to begin... But in everything, I am grateful to the Lord; for the blessings and for the lessons. He has been so faithful in our lives even during the most trying of times.

Is it Christmas? We sure could smell the BER months! Someone generous sent L a package today. 

The look of pure joy on her face when I told her its hers.

"Wwoowww" caught on camera.

Can't wait to try it on.

Trying on one dress. We'll sure wear these on Sunday!

Thank you Gail's Clothings! As soon as we opened the package, L's eyes lit up and she literally said "wwwoww". 

Please check out Gail's Clothings on facebook. Mommy Karen is very sweet and has good taste! 😍

More exciting news... We have another blessing on the way :) our little Squish is due on May 2015. Thank you Jesus!

2 PINK LINES! SQUISH. Coming Soon May2015.

Growing Too Fast

The past couple of weeks, I have been writing letters to my toddler. It seems she is growing too fast. She surprises me everyday; with her cleverness and most of the time with her sweetness. 

Her 2nd birthday is fast approaching and I can only watch and be amazed by her growth everyday. How much she has transformed from being my quiet, content and observant little cuddly bug in a sling to this singing, dancing, playful and lively little creature who calls me mommy, mommy, mommy-- tells me she loves me too very much and asks me to cook for her during odd unholy hours of 2-5am; how can I say no? She also loves the home made fruit popsicles I have enjoyed making and likes to pretend play "cook". She likes back massages, putting on lipstick and then seeing her reflection and smacking her lips. 

Her favorite cartoon characters are Elsa, Anna and Olaf of Frozen, Jollibee and Mickey Mouse. She can sing and dance to nursery rhymes and some pop songs with actions, knows her body parts and knows everybody at home. She will also tell you "wala" when you ask where a certain person is and they are not there. 

She has best friends and playdates. She can eat by herself, hold a pen or pencil properly and she knows well not to write on walls. 

In 3 days, she will be 21 months old and in 3 months, she will have a baby sister who right now, while I am pregnant for, she talks to, kisses and hugs. 

She is a zest of life and always a burst of sunshine. She is our greatest blessing. 

She is fast asleep at 8:30PM tonight after she asked me to cook oatmeal. Before that, she ate a full dinner, by the way. I watch her beside me, her eyes closed, her face peaceful and content, I just feel like I am the luckiest, most blessed mom in the whole world for having her in my life. Life indeed is unimaginable without her. 

How can somebody so little mean so much? :)

Playdate after Kindermusik class

During Kindermusik class

Enjoying a watermelon popsicle :)

My big little burrito :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Is it Christmas already?

It's been awhile since I blogged. We have had so much things happening all together I don't know where to begin... But in everything, I am grateful to the Lord; for the blessings and for the lessons. He has been so faithful in our lives even during the most trying of times.

Is it Christmas? We sure could smell the BER months! Someone generous sent L a package today. 

The look of pure joy on her face when I told her its hers.

"Wwoowww" caught on camera.

Can't wait to try it on.

Trying on one dress. We'll sure wear these on Sunday!

Thank you Gail's Clothings! As soon as we opened the package, L's eyes lit up and she literally said "wwwoww". 

Please check out Gail's Clothings on facebook. Mommy Karen is very sweet and has good taste! 😍

More exciting news... We have another blessing on the way :) our little Squish is due on May 2015. Thank you Jesus!

2 PINK LINES! SQUISH. Coming Soon May2015.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Father's Day 2014!

To the men in my life who have stood by and strong as a father and an example to live by, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY :)

To my own dad whose strut I followed when I was little, looking up to you, doing stuff with you and just knowing you were always there just always assured me everything was fine. 

To my other dad in the other side of the world, Uncle Greg, thank you for the guidance, thoughtfulness and for always including is in your daily prayers.

To daddy Ver, I could not thank you enough for raising a good man :)

And to our very own Daddy Raymond, L would breastfeed at night but always transfer to your side of the bed to fall asleep. When listening to any kind of music, L would bob her head, dance and sing happily, I'm pretty sure she got her dancerous grove and her appreciation for music from you. You never take a pass on doctor's appointments if you could help it and you always make our family and our needs a priority above all else. Thank you for being responsible and providing a sense of security for us. Thank you for geniunely and consistently being a kind example. I thank God for the gift of you everyday :) 

For the fathers in our lives,
Happy Father's day! We love you!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tougher than A Tantrum

L is full of surprises and she has always been an easy baby. She is peaceful, quiet, observant, funny and smart. She has always met every milestone ahead. I believe at 12 mos, aside from she has started walking and is unstoppable, she now also has TANTRUMS!

Today particularly, after 12 months of being easy on the carseat, she decided she didn't like it anymore. She wanted to be seated on my lap and press the window button. I, knowing better, of course placed her in her car seat whether she liked it or not. She wailed, held her breath, cried, shouted, fisted her hands, kicked her feet and I had to do what I had to do. I let her cry! She was not getting what she wanted. Not even attention. I hated seeing her cry, but I would hate it more if other people hated her for being spoiled and bratty. 

Yesterday at the dinner table, she ate only a little bit and was most likely full from her late afternoon snack and tired from playing. As a result, she threw a mini tantrum and swiped the tumbler that was offered to her. I talked to her with a steady voice and a serious face and she cried. But I was not going to baby talk her and comfort her because as early as 12 mos, she understands that she is not supposed to do that and yet she does and she tries to get away with it by crying.

Discipline must start with us as parents and we must discipline not out of anger, frustration or shame but out of love. I love my daughter so much I never want her to experience the results of a bad attitude so I want to help her cut and break the roots of that as early as now. She finally cut it out 10 minutes before we reached home and when we did, she was smiling and hugging and kissing me. I talked to her about patience and that I love her so much I am doing the best way I can to keep her safe in the car. She may be too little to understand now but I just want to be very clear of my intentions and purpose for every little thing I do for my child. 

At this very moment, L is peaceful and contented breastfeeding in my arms. I am in no position to claim I am a perfect parent or that what I am doing is what every mother would do. But every parent only wants and does what she thinks is best for her child. It is a tough world out there and my personal judgement tells me that as a mom, I have to be tough sometimes. Better learn early on and have a firm foundation rather than stumble and repeatedly fall when she is older. 

I ask myself... Now she cries about little things that don't go her way and I don't let her be because I know better and I got her back. As children, we don't understand this. My mom's famous line "you'll only understand when you are a mom yourself" echoes in my mind and I guess this is where her tough love begun.

I pray everyday for God's guidance for wisdom and good judgement. R and I cannot do this alone. 

Dear L,

When you're a bit bigger and will learn to read, you will read this and experience new feelings each time you do in every milestone in your life. When you are 13 and feel like you know everything, 16 and ready to conquer the world, 18 (with a boyfriend?), whatever age... I pray you will learn and realize each time that I love you, I always do. Whenever you feel alone, maybe you did in the carseat today because I never gave in to taking you out of it until we reached home, know now and always that I am holding your hand in mine praying that you will always rise above and flourish and be the person God intends for you to be. 

(Tough) Love,

Saturday, May 10, 2014

"Wanted: Perfect Yaya"

(Nursing L to sleep)

My Second Year being a "mom" to a wonderful, funny, smart, beautiful, awesome girl, there is no other role I'd want than this. 

Today I am reminded even more of my call. I had a rough night last night. We had to rush L's nanny to the hospital because she (nanny) had a seizure. And worst of the worst is she was carrying L when it happened. Thankfully, L is favored, loved, covered and protected by Jesus and her angels, she came out wailing but unharmed. No bumps and bruises. I had her checked by the doctor too just to be sure. 

I am just thankful this happened here in Cebu in the bedroom and not in the bathroom while she's giving her a bath or worst if she's carrying her while on the stairs or if they were alone in the house. I cannot imagine that and will never forgive myself for it. 

I guess this is a hard learned lesson on picking a yaya for our little ones. They are so precious we should be extra prayerful, cautious and vigilant who we allow to be near them. Our "ate" is such a nice and caring young lady, I never suspected it.

We will not be having a yaya for awhile. It will just be L and Mommy. 

So Happy Mother's Day Mommy Kat! -- yes, I'm talking to myself. I feel like a panda with puffy dark circles around my eyes that thankfully, concealer can hide. I love you L girl. Always and forever!:)