Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is it Christmas already?

It's been awhile since I blogged. We have had so much things happening all together I don't know where to begin... But in everything, I am grateful to the Lord; for the blessings and for the lessons. He has been so faithful in our lives even during the most trying of times.

Is it Christmas? We sure could smell the BER months! Someone generous sent L a package today. 

The look of pure joy on her face when I told her its hers.

"Wwoowww" caught on camera.

Can't wait to try it on.

Trying on one dress. We'll sure wear these on Sunday!

Thank you Gail's Clothings! As soon as we opened the package, L's eyes lit up and she literally said "wwwoww". 

Please check out Gail's Clothings on facebook. Mommy Karen is very sweet and has good taste! 😍

More exciting news... We have another blessing on the way :) our little Squish is due on May 2015. Thank you Jesus!

2 PINK LINES! SQUISH. Coming Soon May2015.

Growing Too Fast

The past couple of weeks, I have been writing letters to my toddler. It seems she is growing too fast. She surprises me everyday; with her cleverness and most of the time with her sweetness. 

Her 2nd birthday is fast approaching and I can only watch and be amazed by her growth everyday. How much she has transformed from being my quiet, content and observant little cuddly bug in a sling to this singing, dancing, playful and lively little creature who calls me mommy, mommy, mommy-- tells me she loves me too very much and asks me to cook for her during odd unholy hours of 2-5am; how can I say no? She also loves the home made fruit popsicles I have enjoyed making and likes to pretend play "cook". She likes back massages, putting on lipstick and then seeing her reflection and smacking her lips. 

Her favorite cartoon characters are Elsa, Anna and Olaf of Frozen, Jollibee and Mickey Mouse. She can sing and dance to nursery rhymes and some pop songs with actions, knows her body parts and knows everybody at home. She will also tell you "wala" when you ask where a certain person is and they are not there. 

She has best friends and playdates. She can eat by herself, hold a pen or pencil properly and she knows well not to write on walls. 

In 3 days, she will be 21 months old and in 3 months, she will have a baby sister who right now, while I am pregnant for, she talks to, kisses and hugs. 

She is a zest of life and always a burst of sunshine. She is our greatest blessing. 

She is fast asleep at 8:30PM tonight after she asked me to cook oatmeal. Before that, she ate a full dinner, by the way. I watch her beside me, her eyes closed, her face peaceful and content, I just feel like I am the luckiest, most blessed mom in the whole world for having her in my life. Life indeed is unimaginable without her. 

How can somebody so little mean so much? :)

Playdate after Kindermusik class

During Kindermusik class

Enjoying a watermelon popsicle :)

My big little burrito :)