Saturday, January 4, 2014

Lelliebubb Ring Sling Review

Now that L is bigger (8mos-- yay!!!) and we are out and about more, we find that we now use the ring sling more.

Why we like our Lelliebubb Ring Sling:

1. Adjustable. 
We can share it. No need to bring many carriers.

2. (Very) Versatile.
Doubles as a nursing cover. L doesn't like being covered so I just drape the tail on my chest so I'm not bare while my top is down or open.

The tail can also be wrapped around the rings to create a little pillow for baby or so that baby doesn't chew on the rings

3. Big Nylon Rings.
Easier to adjust the rails.

4. Light Breathable Material.
We don't get sticky and sweaty in it!

5. Pocket.
You can put anything in it. A toy, car keys, wallet... 

6. Pretty.
Everytime I wear L in our Lelliebubb, I am confident that we look nice. 

7. Price.
At only 800 pesos, it is a lot cheaper than other brands in the market and is proudly locally made with quality and safety in mind. 

Would I recommend this? Yes. It is worth it.

Would I buy another one? Definitely. I am looking forward for Valentine and Summer designs!

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