Friday, November 15, 2013

Baby Led Weaning

What is Baby Led Weaning? And why did I choose this route in introducing solids to my baby daughter?

One month into solids and people have been sending me messages about LX's videos where she eats independently so, Baby Led Weaning or BLW is an alternative way to introduce solids to baby wherein we do away with the traditional way of mashing food and spoonfeeding baby. We also do away with jarred and instant baby food.

The BLW way is simple; cut food into finger sized "french fries cut". Personally, I like to steam or give her table food veggies minus the seasoning or just serve fruit fresh. Baby has to be able to sit independently with or without assistance on a high chair or booster seat.

Some advantages of BLW are
1. There is no chance of overfeeding baby. As baby controls her food intake, she will stop when she is full.

2. Reduced risk of choking. Baby learns to chew first before swallowing. It is important to be able to contrast choking from gagging and learn first aid.

3. Food appreciation. Baby enjoys meal time because she is able to touch, explore and taste different textures of food in her hands and in her mouth. No picky eating! LX eats ampalaya with no fuss.

4. Eat in peace. Baby minds her own food, so mommy gets to eat happily especially when we are out. I always remember to bring her booster seat and bib because she is too tiny for the restaurant high chairs.

5. Convenient. I don't have to prepare her food separately.

I will add to the advantages as I continue to experience these all first hand. I am a first time mom as well and all these are learning experience for both L and myself. 

We are turning 7 months in 4 days and we are still exclusively breastfeeding. She eats 3x meals a day with us on the table. She enjoys and looks forward to meal times. 

Some of our BLW photos:

11.15.13 Squash for breakfast

11.15.13 Okra for lunch

11.16.13 Broccoli for breakfast

Photos Eating out:

11.12.13 Steamed Beans at Tita Leah & Tito Pj's wedding

11.10.13 Cafe George Cebu, Broccoli for dinner

November 2013. Cafe George Cebu. Lunch. Fresh Zucchini.

November 2013. District 50 Cebu. Banana and Cucumber. Lunch.

November 2013. Rib eye steak, Pearl Meat Shop Cebu. Dinner.

November 2013. Max's Ayala Cebu. Camote fries. Lunch w/ Pappi Jun.

10.30.13 Uncle Kevin's bday dinner at Marco Polo Cebu. Steamed Broccoli for dinner.

By far, here are the food she has tried:

1. Papaya
2. Ampalaya
3. Cucumber
4. Broccoli
5. Sayote
6. Beans
7. Squash
8. Okra
9. Banana (Latundan)
10. Chico
11. Rib eye steak
12. Brown rice
13. Egg (yolk)
14. Pandesal
15. Carrots
16. Zucchini
17. Camote
18. Potato

Her favorite are: Broccoli, Okra and Cucumber :)

By BLW, we are not just teaching good eating habits but also, values such as being independent, learning to wait, table manners and chewing food.

Eating independently also helps babies appreciate and explore food textures with her hands and her mouth. It helps them practice picking up food, controlling their grip and learning to stop when they are full.

At 6mos and 1 day, Liane can drink from a cup with a straw like a pro. We skipped feeding bottles and sippy cups all together and went ahead from boob to baso. (Breast to cup)

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