To my own dad whose strut I followed when I was little, looking up to you, doing stuff with you and just knowing you were always there just always assured me everything was fine.
To my other dad in the other side of the world, Uncle Greg, thank you for the guidance, thoughtfulness and for always including is in your daily prayers.
To daddy Ver, I could not thank you enough for raising a good man :)
And to our very own Daddy Raymond, L would breastfeed at night but always transfer to your side of the bed to fall asleep. When listening to any kind of music, L would bob her head, dance and sing happily, I'm pretty sure she got her dancerous grove and her appreciation for music from you. You never take a pass on doctor's appointments if you could help it and you always make our family and our needs a priority above all else. Thank you for being responsible and providing a sense of security for us. Thank you for geniunely and consistently being a kind example. I thank God for the gift of you everyday :)
For the fathers in our lives,
Happy Father's day! We love you!